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http://www.vitwo.cn   2011/10/20 9:27:31  点击:


Vitwo,  China’s Leading Outbound Investment Facilitator

    VITWO is an innovative service platform that responds to the trend of globalization from Chinese enterprises, it helps these enterprises to invest in overseas market and win together with local business partners and clients. 

    By integrating resources in both China and other parts of the world, we are devoted to assisting Chinese enterprises to understand overseas market, establish contacts in other countries, build up international brands, set up their local team, offices and furtherly factories in overseas market, so that enterprises may localize their businesses with local partners organizations and people.

    VITWO provides the following two core services:

    1. VITWO Business Service Center

    VITWO Business Service Center is the executive service center established by VITWO in foreign countries that aims at providing landing services for Chinese enterprises in relation to local investment and market exploration. Thus, its key functions include two parts as shown below:

    1) Overseas Investment Service Center 

    2) Overseas Marketing Service Center


    2. Helosina-Sale2China 

    Helosina.com/cn is devoted to helping Chinese enterprises to invest overseas projects, particularly helping manufacturing enterprises to invest in merger and acquisition of value chain property and advanced technologies.  

    1)Investment Project information Release Page/ www.helosina.com


    2)Investment Project Matching Page/ www.helosina.cn

    3. Other Supporting Services

    (1) Magazines
    VITWO Magazine http://www.vitwo.cn/vitwomagazine.aspx
    VITWO is a comprehensive journal for enterprises aiming at overseas investment. The information given by foreign diplomats, professional law and taxation organizations related to overseas investment and Chinese entrepreneurs having overseas work and life experiences will allow Chinese enterprises gain knowledge and experience in overseas investment and market exploration.

    Special Edition for Investment in Various Countries
    Special edition for investment in various countries is a utility type of journal jointly edited by us and the embassies to China and investment promotion organizations in the countries that introduces the investment climate of a country.

    2) E-commerce Website for Overseas Business Report/www.obreport.com
    The E-commerce website aims at providing foreign investment environment report, foreign industry survey report and foreign company status report that are helpful for Chinese enterprises to invest in overseas market, and thus reducing the risk of such investment.

    (3)Training, Conference & Forum And Business Tour.
    We cooperate with experienced organizations and experts, summarize the experiences of Huawei, the most successful Chinese company in global operation and design training programmes, organize training courses in  cultivating Chinese managers for operation in overseas market. Meanwhile, we also tailor-made training courses and train foreign managers for operating China.

    Furtherly, we irregularly cooperate with related agencies and organize in different cities of China such forum,seminar events and overseas business tours as related to overseas investment, in order to help Chinese enterprises to understand the investment environment in foreign countries, understand the investment climate and potential business opportunities in foreign countries and establish long-term cooperation relation with related overseas organizations.

    (4) Translation and Localization Services
    Hollytran Translation and Localization provides written translation, alternating interpretation and simultaneous interpretation, and software and website localization services for Chinese and foreign organizations  having international operation so that foreign and Chinese customers may better understand each other, promoting the globalization of both Chinese and foreign organizations.

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