A. Project Opportunity Description: |
A1. Project Name: |
а. Short name: |
Relocation of the production and development of the released territory |
b. Full name: |
Relocation of the central production site of Minsk Poultry Factory Named after N.K. Krupskaja OJSC and development of the released territory |
c. Summary description: |
The land area where the projects of the enterprise’s central production site are located is equal to |
А2. Progress Status: |
The stage of calculationst. |
А3. Organizations involved and their roles: |
Minsk Poultry Factory Named after N.K. Krupskaja OJSCLikhach Konstantin Vladimirovich, Director, tel. 233-86-46; mobile 8 029 753-87-21, info@krupskaya.by or pfk@tut.by |
А4. Project Description: |
The released land with the area equal to |
А4a. Project cost (mln USD): |
70.0 |
A5. Background / history / overall programme / related or similar projects: |
The central production site of Minsk Poultry Factory Named after N.K. Krupskaja OJSC is situated in |
A6. Environmental impact summary: |
Environmentally safe production |
A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment: |
They are absent |
A8. Term of realization / term of recoupment (years): |
4 / 8 |
A9. Project’s branch: |
Agriculture |
B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project): |
B1. Project physical components |
B2. Capital cost (mln USD) |
Project cost |
70.0 |
Total: |
70.0 |
C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers: |
C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity / ownership, etc. |
C2. Amount (mln USD) |
D. Required Financial Assistance: |
D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required: |
Investments |
D2. Sources of finance |
D3. Type of investment |
D4. Amount (mln USD) |
Foreign investment funds: |
Foreign direct investments |
70.0 |
D5. Financial/ International Institution Name: |
None |
E. Demand (users) and revenues: |
E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings: |
Are not determined |
E2. Revenues (Sales) |
E3. Amount (mln USD) |
F. Operating and Maintenance Costs: |
F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.: |
Are not determined |
F2. Cost Item |
F3. Amount (mln USD) |
G. Net Income Value: |
G1. Net Income Value |
G2. Amount (mln USD) |
H. Project information source: |
H1. This form was completed by: |
Borisevich Valentina Nikolayevna, Deputy Director, Head of the Finance-and-Economy Service, tel. 233-83-35, 8 029 757-40-14 |
H2. Organisation (address): |
H3. Тel/Fax/E-mail: |
(+375-17) 233-86-46; fax 233-81-51, info@krupskaya.by or pfk@tut.by |
H4. Date: |
June, 2009 |
H5. Supreme Organization: |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the |