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匈牙利(DermaVir Patch)治疗HIV/AIDS 疫苗 -- 收藏
http://www.vitwo.cn   2010/7/19 15:56:03  点击:

DermaVir immune therapy will help control viral replication in HIV infected patients and extend the period before antiretroviral treatment is required. This will improve quality of life and result in fewer side effects while considerably reducing health care costs. The DermaVir Patch therapeutic vaccine is currently in one phase I/II and two phase II clinical trials in the US and EU. All trial reports are expected in Q2 2010. The project is currently in beta and is covered by patents.

Timing of project realisation:
1) 6 months: phase II clinical trials report
2) 12 months: manufacturing technology development
3) 24 months: trade sales

We believe this project represents an exceptional opportunity. The project owner is forecasting a 70% return on total investment of €15,000,000 within ive years. Potential investors are offered partial or full ownership of the company and exit opportunities are expected to be an IPO or trade sale.

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